Saturday, June 30, 2012

James Tricked me AGAIN!!!!

Okay, he was safe this time but usually the
crashes are because of him!!
Okay, we all know the drill.  You hear a random crash and you call to the person who is the closest to tell you what has just happened.  Yesterday, I heard a crash upstairs in what I thought was the loft area where I assumed James was.  That was the last place I knew he had been so he must still be there, RIGHT???!!!  "James, what was that crash?"  ""Uh, I don't know."  "Where are you, James?"  "Uh, I don't know. I think I am in the bathroom."  "What do you mean you think you are in the bathroom?  Is there a toilet, sink and tub?  Your voice isn't in the bathroom, so where are you?"
Okay, a little information may be helpful here.  We have a VERY open concept home!  Part of the living room is two stories.  The downstairs is also completely tiled as is a lot of the open space upstairs. Noise carries beautifully!  The perfect home for us to keep an ear on James.
Since my son couldn't give me a definitive answer, I sent my daughter up to investigate where he was. She confirmed that, yes, he was in the bathroom. Doggone open concept house! It and James fooled me again! I never did find out what the crash was. Probably a cat. 


  1. Replies
    1. This house is really great for hearing things that he is trying to be secretive about because of the amazing acoustics! But the house and the kid both fooled my well trained ears on this day!!
