Sunday, July 8, 2012

My First Blogging Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Two days ago, I logged onto my favorite blogs reading list and found that I had been given the "One Lovely Blog Award".  I am not really one for tooting my own horn, but I am really glad that others enjoy the Laughter, Could be the Missing Piece Blog as much as I enjoy writing and living it.

Thank you >>Miss Allison's Class<< for my first blogging award!! I love your blog too, so you are the first on my list of 15 to award this award back to.  You have an amazing sense of calm urgency when it comes to educating those little ones in your classroom.

Apparently this award comes with some pretty ribbons (strings) attached to it.

1.  Follow the person who gave you the award.
2.  Link back to the person who gave you the award.
3.  Pass the award on to 15 new bloggers.

So here we go.... Most of my favorite blogs are those written by moms and dads living with children with Autism.
  1. Miss Allison's Class
  2. Alphabet Magnets and Chicken Nuggets
  3. Autism Daddy
  4. Bacon and Juice Boxes
  5. Caffeinated Autism Mom
  6. Finding Peace in the Autism Puzzle
  7. Full Spectrum Mama
  8. Grape Jelly on Pizza
  9. Homestyle Mama (with a side of autism)
  10. Mama Be Good
  11. My Aspergers Child
  12. My Life With My "Au"some Son
  13. Our Life in Pieces
  14. Raising Rebel Souls
  15. Welcome to the Koeppel Clan
  16. Autism Blogs Directory (you will find so many more autism blogs at this site - if I have omitted anyone specifically, I apologize)
So today I choose to find my bliss knowing that others are walking the same path I am. Our journeys may be very different, but we all start with an intense love for our children. I encourage you to check out these amazing blogs, as they will help you get a more personal look into the diagnosis known as autism.

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