Little man was so excited as he was attached to the electrodes that would show his "hits" on his opponent. He practiced making the buzzer and lights go off. He was so happy and you could tell even through his heavy face mask. James got a lot of "hits" on the first match to 5 points. The next opponent was a young man just about James's age, who has been fencing for 1 1/2 years. This young man made James do all the work advancing and James had a fabulous time! James only got one "hit" in this match but the joy he had was overwhelming. He did a final match and did very well. He came across the floor and stood before me... "Mom, did you see me?? Mom did you see me???" (sorry little man for the little white lie) "Yes James, you were amazing!!" I had been watching but also talking to another mum. James was having a blast and loving every minute of the matches. It took my breath away that James was calling attention to something he was doing and he wanted to share it with me. How long have I wanted joint attention with my young son? How much he has grown!!
At supper James continued with his excitement when he was able to talk to his sister. He relayed the story of getting the point on the match with the other player. I told James that the other boy had been fencing for 1 1/2 years and getting one point off him was wonderful. James's eyes lit up and then it came! "Mom, if I beat him, I will be able to power up like the Pokemon and be ready for tournaments!" "James, you will be ready for tournaments when your coach tells you you are ready." James has been obsessed for a while about Pokemon characters being real and how cool it would be to be able to power up and conquer whatever Pokemon conquer. I have to admit that I have remained Pokemon stupid for a reason. They don't interest me and there are many people in James's life he can talk Pokemon to. But for now, I need to pull James back and let him know that fencing is reality and Pokemon fencing is fantasy. Or is it????

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