Monday, April 30, 2012

Mommy, What is Your Worst Nightmare???

Nightmares; all kids have them. It is a natural developmental milestone.  Parents have nightmares also -- most of them are actually daymares, but we still call them nightmares.  This morning at breakfast, James was grilling me on my worst nightmare... This is how the conversation went (to the best of my feeble brain's memory):

Mom.. what is your worst nightmare?
That you will get lost and I won't be able to find you!
No, Mom, I mean the dreaming kind!
Well James, that nightmare is my daymare reality! I guess it would have to be that there was NO YOU! (He smiled at this)
Okay mom what was your worst nightmare when I was a baby?

That you would remain purple as a newborn and orange as a slightly older baby.  (James was born with the umbilical cord tightly wrapped around his neck, he must have been practicing for the Baby Olympics! We were terrifically lucky that he was born "in caul," still encased in the sack, or the outcome could/would have been my worst nightmare!  As an older baby, he ate so many canned mandarin oranges and carrots that he actually turned orange!) 
Then he trailed off to the Pokemon conversation that is always on instant replay.......... 

So today I choose to find my bliss knowing that my little man is all that I dreamed he would be.  A Houdini and silent wanderer, who is responsible for 97% of my grey hairs.  I hope your bliss today isn't something that sends you screaming to the salon where you can easily dump $150 without knowing it.  My bliss today is also that I choose not to go to the salon and wear my grey with pride knowing that I have grey because I have children! Sleep well tonight everyone!!

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