Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Who's the Boss??

James announced today that when he grows up, he wants to be a boss.  A laudable goal and it takes him to a level of hopeful empathy for those he will be in charge of.  He went on to say that what he meant was that when he gets older and gets married to a girl he isn't sure who right now, they will have children and they will be able to boss them.  Interesting.....
For as long as he has been working with his ABA team... James has been told that his teachers and parents are the boss and he needs to do what they ask him to do without arguing with them.  James LOVES to argue with people in authority positions.  It has come to my attention as I have been dissecting these arguments that they tend to be because of his anxiety.  The harder he fights for his position, the higher level of anxiety he is displaying.  It has taken me such a long time to come up with this correlation but now that I am aware, I can, hopefully help him through this.  So little man, argue on and I will hopefully help you find your zen spot.  BUT you still have to do your work!


  1. When I did in-home ABA, one of my kiddos loved hanging out in the kid's "court room" of a local children's museum. One day he told me he wanted to be a "witness" when he grew up. It really shows how important it is for us to dissect and explain EVERYTHING to kids with ASD even what it takes to become a boss or witness!

    Now I am a SpEd teacher in a public school and it has been 5 years since I have done in-home ABA. I find it so important to take a step back and see a parent and family perspective and that is why I LOVE reading your blog and also why I wanted to give you this award One Lovely Blog Award! Thanks for giving me a fresh point of view!

    Miss Allison's Class

    1. Thank you so much for my One Lovely Blog Award!!! I will certainly pass it on to 15 other blogs and share the love!!

