Second... James got a trophy for not giving up even when he wanted to at Tennis camp.
Third.... Lunch out with my favorite Broadway Twin (my daughter) at one of our favorite Thai places (James calls it the "T Store")
Fifth... nice supper at the mall with the kids
Sixth... got a call during supper from hubby saying he is on the way home!
Seventh... made it home safely.
Eight... FINALLY got to take off my shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Too bad it is only 6:43...... I am exhausted and ready for bed! Think I can convince James that it is bedtime? Not likely now that he knows how to tell time!! Education is a wonderful thing but sometimes it works against us. Maybe telling time can be one of the skills that gets lost in the summer amnesia that tends to happen when our kids aren't in school for 10+ weeks.
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