So yesterday, we went to San Francisco to see the new exhibit of plants from the dinosaurs eras exhibit at the Conservatory of Flowers
click here. It took us most of the morning to get there because of James' anxiety and we were picking up two more people, both of whom live off the beaten path... way off. Anyway, we finally got there and we had a fabulous time! What an amazing job that they have done on this very exciting exhibit! If you are within driving distance or are planning a trip to San Francisco this summer and early fall, I encourage you to visit the PlantoSaurusRex. (Man, you'd think I work for them or something!)
One of James' favorite things from yesterday was the informational book that we got with the price of the ticket. It explained about the different plants and weather conditions. There were also fun facts. For James, the fun facts were the Bomb! He found one that really got him excited:
"The plates on the stegosaurus' back were not only for protection, but also acted as a heating and cooling system--cooling them in warm weather and absorbing warmth on cold days." James read this out in his perfect post-2nd grade reading confidence. Mind you all of the "TH" combinations are sounded as "F" but Speech is working on that. He punctuated his oral reading with an "Isn't that AWESOME??!!" My first reaction was bully for the dino for being so progressive in saving the planet through solar heating and cooling, but more so...
PROPS James for being such an amazing reader!!!!
After leaving the dino exhibit, we all went to the lake for some time on the water (well for most of the bunch). Two peddle boats were rented and the fun started. 45 minutes later I called my husband to let him know that he needed to head in because the boat house was closing. I heard James screaming in the background about never getting off the boat or on the boat or something I couldn't really make out. I was thrilled that I was able to enjoy the peace of the lake once I hung up the phone. They got back and James didn't look happy but at least he wasn't wet!! Then James wanted to feed the ducks. Sweet, peaceful ducks you had better DUCK, he has a fierce pitch!!
Overall, anxiety and loud boys aside, it was a lovely day with family and friends! Today is a day of recovery ... man those vacation days take a lot out of you! I feel like I have been run over! I have caught James' "allergies" and have a ton to do. But I know there is bliss waiting around the corner somewhere!!
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