Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Homework Revisited and Revised!

Because homework has become my nemesis, I have started a new tactic.  When we get home I ask James how long he needs.  He ALWAYS says 50 minutes.  When the 50 minutes are up, we settle in.  He is given his choice of what to do first.  Today was science because he adores science and he only gets it once a week.  Then we did our Rowley math race.  We sit so that he has the page upright and I am seeing it upside down, and then we race.  If I write the answer first, I win but if he says the answer first, he wins.  I think know he will be passing his X3's this week! Then we tackled math which was easy for him today (rounding and subtracting large numbers).  I started him off rounding the first 6 equations because for some reason he is morally opposed to estimation and rounding.  When we got to the ones I hadn't rounded, I started to help him when he looked like he was having difficulty.  He cocked his head and clearly stated, "Mom, I do have a brain in my head you know!"  Alright, I will stop trying to help.  Now we are taking a BIG break until after supper and then all he has is writing his spelling words 3 times and writing 3-4 sentences about what he learned reading the science today.  And VOILA... homework is complete, James and mom are happy but the process takes from the time we get home until he is tucked in for the night.  I guess for now it is better than the alternative!!
Rules are fun especially if James has some control in them.  Doing
homework is a rule in our house but now he has choices!!

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