We are very careful with what we say around James. He repeats everything! We attempt to limit his exposure to words that can't be said in polite company. On occasion, we watch movies with colorful words. Tonight was one of those occasions. James was neatly tucked up in his bedroom with the door closed so we felt safe to watch
The Kings Speech. The therapist in the movie has some well, unusual tactics to tackle the stammering problem. One of them is stringing questionable words together in succession. It worked for the king but unfortunately, James caught us just at that part.
MOM, why are you watching something with the "F" word. It is the word that you said could never be used!"
(James stuttered through this by the way) "Well, I am not using it, I don't use it and I don't want you to use it. It is just part of the movie." "Well turn it off and never watch it again!" Foiled again by Mr. My Way or the Highway!
Do you see the halo? |
Our young man used to count the number of "bad" words in books and movies like he was totally shocked by it.