No matter how you try, you just can't
hide from some controversies! |
I am a Libra and so by nature love balance and harmony. I choose to live my life loving and accepting everyone for who they are, not who I necessarily want them to be. I try not to be too controversial, I really try, but sometimes something just sits wrong and it gets my dander up.
As a veteran Autism Momma, I fight for my son's rights every day. He has the right to be intelligent, funny, unusual, wiggly, loved, accepted, and Autistic. April is Autism Awareness month, but in my house it is an everyday thing. I am aware that he is a black and white thinker. I am aware that everything he knows about society he has had to be taught. I am aware that I influence his thoughts and try to make sure that he gets to know a lot of the choices so he can decide. That said, here we go...
Last night I was finally catching up on some blogs that I have wanted to read but just haven't had time to with all that was going on. I happened on one of my favorite blogs
Homestyle Mama (with a side of Autism) (the mom is hysterically funny and down to Earth) and started going through it. One rather long posting caught my eye, and like the train wreck phenomena, I couldn't stop reading.
Click here If you have preconceived notions about same sex marriage, this may get you thinking.
I was raised in a home where we went to church every Sunday, well, until most of us hit the teen years. I went to Sunday School. I sang in the choir. I listened to sermons every week. I went to a Christian college. I have read the Bible (both old and new testaments). Both of my kids were baptized as toddlers. In all of my years, I have never been able to understand how people can love everyone, as directed by the Bible, and hate some at the same time. (I take that back conditionally, certain "military and political crazy people" {you know who I am talking about} need one of those hugs that end in a slap on the back of the head!)
Just the facts please! Love is Love and I have a
CHOICE!! No one can tell me who I can't love. |
About a week ago, James was looking for Rodger
For Rodger blog Click here. I told him that Rodger was probably with his (Rodger's) sister, brother, cousin, aunt... until I finally got to boyfriend. This stopped James dead in his tracks. "Mom, Rodger can't have a boyfriend, he IS a boy!" (remember, black and white thinker) I took a breath and chose my words as wisely as I could. "Well James, sometimes boys fall in love with girls, boys fall in love with boys, and girls fall in love with girls. Love is the goal." "Okay mom, but Rodger is a boy and he doesn't have a boyfriend!" off he ran to find Rodger. So okay, Rodger is a heterosexual stuffed animal... good to know. James' understanding of adult relationships comes from watching movies and having a mum and a dad. I wonder what his perspective would be if he had two mommies or two daddies? It is certainly worth a moments pondering!