When “Angry, Defiant” James takes
James wears his emotions on his sleeve. He can go from happy to really upset and
angry in less than a heartbeat. When the
angry James appears, there are a few things you can do to help him through
Remain calm and do not verbally engage him;
don’t listen to his rants and angry words.
He will be pulling out all of his strongest words to try to get you to
Remind him that he can take a break to calm
down. He still needs to comply with your
request when he is calm again.
James is an “all or nothing” kid. He feels that if he has a few difficult
moments during the day, the entire day is horrible. The classroom behavior color chart is a good
reminder for James about how his day is going.
However, if he ends up on red before the second bell rings at the
beginning of the day, the rest of the day will likely be awful as well. It helps for James to work in shorter
behavior increments. The “behavior
clock” can get reset every 30 minutes or hour to give James chances to redeem
After James recovers he will likely spend time
talking about how upset his family will be with him and they will not like him
(he will use stronger words). Just
remind him that everyone has hard times and now he is making good choices. Try not to engage in his “pity party”. Just simply state, “James, your family loves
you” and leave it at that.
James will stomp his foot or pound on the desk
when he is upset. You will have to
decide if this behavior will be acceptable in your classroom. (For me, this is a huge improvement from
kindergarten and first grade where chairs were thrown when he was upset!) This behavior can have more than one
benefit. First, it punctuates his anger
and helps him recover quicker. Second,
the jarring effect of banging or stomping helps to regulate his sensory
system. (you can have him jump if you
don’t like the stomping feet) And finally, this is far better than some choice
words that could come out.
Follow through on both natural and classroom
consequences. If he has to finish work
at recess or take home to do with homework he will learn very quickly that it
isn’t worth losing his free time.
When “in control James” returns, it is best to
get a case of selective amnesia. For
your records you can keep a log of his behaviors, but as far as James is
concerned the incident is over and he has a fresh start to make good choices.
For James’ privacy, it may be better for him to leave the room if he is really upset.
He doesn’t need spectators and some of the kids in the class may get
upset. (I added the contact information here for his Autism program and the school psychologist)
I am a no nonsense mom and I don't sugar coat things. James is amazing and he is also difficult. It is what makes him uniquely him!!
Beautifully put! I wish all parents had such a strong understanding of their children - and such a clear way of expressing it. I hope James's teachers appreciate this.