The big news lately been about the Mars rover (and it's findings)
>here< and the meteor showers
>here< that started last night . Okay that may be great space news but in our little corner of the universe the big news is ~ school starts tomorrow!! Letter to teacher (done), high school registration (done), pay for school supplies (done), permission to dispense medication at school form signed by doctor (done), new shoes bought (done), everything I haven't thought about that needs to get done (DONE)! Last thing to do on my list happens tomorrow morning, get the kids up at an awful time stuff them into the car and open the door at their respective depositories. Glad my husband is home so he can help with the little one!
Just a little something to make you giddy and giggle like a girl (in case school isn't starting for you tomorrow), yesterday James was drinking lemonade (no surprise there). At one point, when my husband was pouring more into his cup, James started to screech (in a happy way). "Mom, look... there is an iceberg in my cup!"
So today, on the last day of summer, I choose to find my bliss knowing that I am likely the only one in the house who is happy that tomorrow is 8/13. I also choose to find happiness that James has a unique way of looking at the world and the result is often wonderful!!
If I think hard enough, maybe I can figure out how to make it 6/2 again!! |
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