Thursday, August 23, 2012


There is some debate over which sadistic scientist or ancient teacher first came up with the idea of homework.  At this point I really don't care who it was but, they are seriously on my LIST! I get it.  There isn't enough time in the day for kids to learn and practice skills they will need as adults in school.  I get that the teachers who have our kids for 6 hours a day want us to truly understand what they have to go through day in and day out with our children.  I get that our country is no longer #1 in education and the competitor in us drives us to push.  I get, I get, I get...................... It is only day 9 of the new school year and I am already exhausted!  Do I sound a little bitter?  What I am bitter about is with homework I get Angry Negotiating James (I am never gonna do it unless......... (you can fill in the blank with whatever unrealistic, ridiculous thought you can think of)) , Screaming James, Stomping James, the James who I told my husband just today, I could handle as long as the sweet personality James and exceptional student James was still attending the third grade.  I LIED!!!!!!!!!!!! I want my sweet James back.  Anyone seen him outside of room 10?

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