I got up early to call my mum today to wish her a Happy Mother's Day. We enjoyed our chat and, during the call, James showed up in the loft, bouncing because he had found his Wii cords. He heard me on the phone saying "Happy Mother's Day" to my mum, but it didn't register to him what day it is. Does it really matter if he knows that today is Mother's Day? Does it really matter if he takes time away from his Wii to say "I love you mom!"? Does it really matter that my teen daughter is still sleeping or just in her room texting with her friends? Does it really matter if I can still hear my husband snoring in the next room? Today is just Sunday. A day reserved for finishing house work and preparing for the week. After all, in my house, everyday is Mother's Day! Momma's rules, momma's choice for what to cook for the family, momma's choice for what James will wear to school, momma's choice to freeze my kids in time so I won't feel like they are slipping away as they grow older
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Today I choose to live in the past and let the future wait. I choose to not listen to the silence of the inaudible "I love you'"s and instead bask in the unspoken knowledge that I am loved. Today is today and "fiddle de dee, tomorrow is another day"
To all the mum's, mommies, ma's, mom's, mother's,

, or the brief coveted eye contact from your special little one that you know translates into I LOVE YOU, the very happiest of days today. I know that mine will be pretty normal, but I do have one special remembrance from May 13th 2007. It was the first time James said "I Love You" without it being solicited or parroted. That was the best gift from that little man and I am good for eternity!!
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